SP-ENT103 Entrepreneurship

Executing Your Business

The course will focus on how to execute your business plan and begin your entrepreneurship adventure to propel you to freedom.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Suggestions on Getting the Most From This Course

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    1. Module One: Introduction and Learning Goals

    2. Module One Readings: The Building Blocks of Your Business

    3. Module One Activities: The Building Blocks of Your Business

    4. Module One: Now you Try it

    5. Module One: Wrap Up

    1. Module Two: Introduction and Learning Goals

    2. Module Two Readings: Hiring Contractors

    3. Module Two Activities: Hiring Contractors

    4. Module Two: Now You Try It

    5. Module Two: Wrap Up

    1. Module Three: Introduction and Learning Goals

    2. Module Three Readings: Vision, Mission, and Goal Setting

    3. Module Three Activities: Vision, Mission and Goal Setting

    4. Module Three: Now you Try it

    5. Module Three: Wrap Up

    1. Module Four: Introduction and Learning Goals

    2. Module Four Readings: Technological Considerations

    3. Module Four Activities: Technological Considerations

    4. Module Four: Now you Try it

    5. Module Four: Wrap Up

    1. Module Five: Introduction and Learning Goals

    2. Module Five Readings: Getting Your First Customers...And keeping them

    3. Module Five: Activities

    4. Module Five: Now you Try it

    5. Module Five: Wrap Up

About this course

  • Multiple price points to fit your budget
  • Over 35 lessons in the course
  • Over four hours of video content

Pricing options

Several options to fit your budget!